Saturday, August 27, 2005

Despite Study's Claims, Expert Insists Unborn Babies Do Feel Pain-- Pediatrician Suspects JAMA Article of Promoting Pro-Abortion Agenda
By Mary Rettig
August 26, 2005

(AgapePress) - Dr. Jean Wright, M.D., a Christian pediatrician and expert on fetal development, disputes the conclusions of a recent study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) that claims unborn babies feel no pain. She says that finding is wrong, and she suspects the authors of the study have an agenda.

After completing their research, the investigators came to the conclusion that laws requiring discussion of fetal pain before a second trimester abortion should not be passed. Wright says they drew that conclusion because they are convinced babies in the womb do not feel pain until they are at least 28 weeks old. But Wright, who serves as Vice President over Women and Children at Memorial Health Center in Savanna, Georgia, says her professional experience has repeatedly negated that notion.

"Every day that I stand in our neonatal intensive care unit and see an infant that's 25, 26, or 28 weeks gestation, I don't have to have any of these fancy studies to say [whether these infants] feel pain," she contends, "because here's the same baby that, inside, you would be measuring and referring to as a fetus, that I'm seeing outside and calling him a premie baby. And that data is overwhelming."

The rest


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