Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Quotable Quotes From The Unitarian Polyamory Website

A snippit from a post to the HOBD listserv I sent:

“Here is the clincher, in my opinion, from one of the sermons on the UUwebsite, that closely tracks our Baptismal Convenant: “What can be wrong with that, from a Unitarian Universalist viewpoint, so long as the inherent worth and dignity of each person is honored?” Another quote that tracks arguments I’ve seen on this list regarding same sex blessings: “So whether we choose - or know ourselves - to be asexual, monogamous, or polyamorous, our fidelity to our covenant, individually and collectively, is what ultimately makes relationship(s) work.”

This statement, which appeared in a Unitarian Universalist church newsletter noted on the UUPA website also ought to make us all really think when we say polyamory is different and shouldn’t be accepted: “To stigmatize those who seriously seek to explore the question of whether human nature is such that more than one intimate and sexually active relationship at a time is responsibly possible, with terms such as wife swapping and group sex is the equivalent of calling people in loving relationships with someone of their own gender perverts and fags.”

The way I see it, if we are going to have same sex blessings, we need to have polyamory blessings. There doesn’t seem to be a difference to me.

Drell's Descants


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