Tuesday, November 08, 2005

The Moral Education of Physicians--Why It Matters
Albert Mohler
Author, Speaker, President of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

Tuesday, November 8, 2005

"Modern medicine is one of those extraordinary works of reason: an elaborate system of specialized knowledge, technical procedures, and rules of behavior," explains Paul Starr. "By no means are these all purely rational: Our conception of disease and responses to it unquestionably show the imprint of our particular culture, especially its individualist and activist therapeutic mentality. Yet, whatever its biases and probably because of them, modern science has succeeded in liberating humanity from much of the burden of disease."

In The Social Transformation of American Medicine, Starr documents the amazing revolutions in medical practice that have forever changed the face of medicine. As he recognizes, these transformations are largely dependent on scientific expertise and technology.
the rest


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