Friday, February 03, 2006

New Kind of Priest to Serve Rappers, Nightclubs & “Hoodies”
The Church of England has today unveiled plans for a new initiative to spread Christianity to rappers, nightclubs and the “hoodies” of the shopping arcades.
Posted: Friday, February 3 , 2006, 13:57 (UK)

The Church of England has today unveiled plans for a new initiative to spread Christianity to rappers, nightclubs and the “hoodies” of the shopping arcades.

The new form of priest called, “pioneering ministers” are part of the “Fresh Expressions” initiative, which has been backed by the Most Reverend and Right Honourable Dr Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury.

These new ministers are to receive special training before ordination, preparing them for their mission field- not the traditional parish church, but the housing estates, skateboard parks, pubs and cafes.

The Archbishop of Canterbury wants to make the church appeal more to people whose faith may have lapsed and those with virtually no contact with organised religion.
The rest


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