Monday, March 06, 2006

Lawyer for All Saints in Rochester, NY Comments on Bishop's Lawsuit

"It is no surprise that Jack McKelvey, the revisionist (charitably called reappraising) bishop of Rochester, has sued not only the parish, but also the rector and all of vestrymen individually of All Saints Church in Rochester, New York. In doing so he treats the scripture about not suing your Christian brother in a secular court (1 Corinthians 6:1-8) just the same as he treats the scripture about homosexual behavior being a sin (1 Corinthians 6:9-11). McKelvey is perfectly consistent in his contempt for God’s word. As is to be expected. Perhaps he learned this from Bishop Bennison of Philadelphia who once famously said, “the church wrote the Bible, so we can rewrite the Bible.” Or maybe he learned it in the nine years he was suffragan bishop of John Shelby Spong in the diocese of Newark. In any case he apparently knows how to ignore inconvenient biblical sayings."

Raymond Dague is the attorney for All Saint’s in Rochester, New York.


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