Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Artist makes Christian story a presence in Chinese culture
By John Franklin

IT IS a common lament of mine that seminaries in Canada pay little or no attention to the arts. Oh, there are some exceptions; but by and large, art makes no appearance in these hallowed halls and classrooms of theological study.

So I must note that the two Anglican colleges at the
Toronto School of Theology -- Wycliffe and Trinity -- partnered in hosting Chinese Christian artist He Qi this spring.

He Qi is a quiet man with a broad smile and that gentle Chinese demeanour. He is a professor at
Nanjing Union Seminary in China and serves as an adjunct professor in the philosophy department of the university. His doctoral dissertation compared the presence of Buddhist art and Christian art in China.

He was one of the first scholars to take up the subject of religion and art after the Cultural Revolution in China. For He Qi, it is very important that Christian art and the Christian story be a presence in Chinese culture.
the rest

Check out his painting: "Supper at Emmaus"


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