Thursday, May 04, 2006

On T-shirts for tweens, "I'm Hot" isn't a weather report
Trevor Stokes
Columbia News Service
May. 3, 2006 04:27 PM

Frank Lukawecki, a Montreal teacher, has observed a fashion shift toward highly sexualized T-shirt messages among the female students in the hallway of his school. One girl struts her stuff with "I'm Hot" boldly splashed across her chest. Another shirt says "Spicy and Juicy." Others wear the Playboy bunny logo, or shirts with the word "sexy" spelled in rhinestones.

Perhaps if Lukawecki were teaching high school, such messages might be expected. But what troubles the teacher is that these girls range in age from 8 to 12.

"Some of these shirts are so abrasive, pretty soon I'll start wearing goggles to class," Lukawecki said. "I want to send these girls home to change -- either that or throw a blanket over them."


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