Tuesday, November 07, 2006

The world, the flesh and the bishop
By Bill Murchison
Tuesday, November 7, 200

Not nearly as many people pay rapt, reverent attention to the Episcopal Church as was the case in days of yore, when, seemingly, every other
Wall Street financier, top diplomat and U.S. senator was Episcopalian.

Like other "mainline denominations" of American Christianity, the Episcopal Church has been looking -- not with total success -- for a role to play in the personal autonomy cult we sometimes refer to as modern society.

For all that, Episcopal bishops remain capable of providing food for thought concerning what goes on in modern religion. As did Katharine Jefferts Schori, when the church elevated her last week to the dignity of presiding bishop. My stars! -- as dignified Episcopalians might exclaim -- Not just a bishop of the female persuasion, but one of religious viewpoints that seem, on first as well as second and third acquaintance, to differ sharply from those of 50 years ago. Many find this an encouraging development. Many others scratch their heads in wonderment.

In her installation sermon at the National Cathedral, Mrs. Jefferts Schori portrayed Christian mission as "the health of our neighbors in its broadest understanding." She urged fellow Christians to find their fulfillment in "the courage to challenge our legislators to make poverty history, to fund AIDS work in Africa, the distribution of anti-malarial mosquito nets and primary schools where all children are welcomed."

The kind of world she'd like is one in which "all have access to clean water and adequate sanitation, basic
health care, and the promise of development that does not endanger the rest of creation" -- "a world where no one goes hungry" or "is sick or in prison"; one where "no one enjoys abundance at the expense of another."

Did I miss something? Was Mrs. Jefferts Schori taking office as figurehead leader of a Christian church, or as secretary general of the United Nations? It would not tax the imagination to guess the latter, due partly to the subject matter (human wellbeing), and partly to the politics implicit in all this. (Who makes certain "no one enjoys abundance at another's expense"? Government -- through taxes and regulation.)
the rest


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