Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Biblical Episcopalians Pay the Price
By Grant Swank on Feb 06, 07

Apostate Episcopalians think they have won. They have not won. One only wins when one wins for eternity. Those who are anti-God though religious are just that - religious without God. And they will eventually pay the price in hell.

In Attleboro, MA, per Charles A. Radin of the Boston Globe, biblical Episcopalians cried, embraced and held on to their allegiance to Christ and His church. That meant vacating their sanctuary as the denomination took over the property.

Other Episcopalians are facing the same carnage. Some are fighting via lawsuits. The Episcopal Church in America is split into shreds over those who are theologically liberal in endorsing that which is abhorrent to the God of the Bible. They support homosexual activity. God does not.

They also endorse killing womb babies. They testify to writing their own religion rather than adhering to the Scriptures as God’s revealed truth. They boast on creating dogma not in keeping with the Bible. They advertise their appreciation for other religions as equal with Christianity.

the rest


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