Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Oasis Leads Rejection of Ban Against Episcopal Blessing of LGBT Couples
Tuesday February 20

SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 20 /PRNewswire/ -- Bay Area Episcopalians reject a call from Anglican Primates for bans on the authorization of Rites of Blessing of gay and lesbians couples, and on partnered gay or lesbian bishops, as too high a price to pay for preserving the unity of the Anglican Communion.
the rest

Integrety Press release: Primates Choose Bigotry Over Baptized

“The primates of the Anglican Communion have utterly failed to recognize the faith, relationships, and vocations of the gay and lesbian baptized,” said Integrity President Susan Russell, responding to the communiqué released today from Dar Es Salaam.

“Let us pray it doesn't take another hundred years for yet-unborn primates to gather for a service of repentance for what the church has done to its gay and lesbian members today, as they repented in Zanzibar yesterday for what it did to those the church failed to embrace as full members of the Body of Christ.”
the rest


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