Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Perspectives: Zeus our problem
Matt Friedeman
February 6, 2007

For Christians, any other "god" -- or the tangible reality reflected in our lives -- is an idol worth rebuking. The Church, like much of the world, has been enticed by the temptations of eroticism, wine, music, beauty, and wealth. And sometimes, the Church has fallen hard for them.

It has been centuries since Zeus-worshippers assembled at an Athenian temple to bend their hearts to the old Olympian. The Roman empire outlawed such gatherings in the late fourth century and, well, that was the end of that.

Until now.

While probably not much of a threat to global religiosity, modern pagans (around 20) recently paid homage to Zeus with costumes, hymns, wine, and incense. Said one wag from the WorldMag blog: "One may well ask why anyone would exchange the loving, self-sacrificial Christ for a malicious demigod who married his sister, raped women, and was more like a sinful human being than a transcendental authority."
the rest


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