Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Swiss Court okays euthanizing the mentally ill
Jim Brown
February 7, 2007

A Christian group that seeks to promote biblical morality in Europe says a recent ruling in Switzerland could lead to the forced euthanasia of mentally-ill patients. Euthanasia for terminally-ill patients is already legal in that country.

A Christian group that seeks to promote biblical morality in Europe says a ruling Friday by Switzerland's highest court opens the door for people with serious mental illnesses to be euthanized against their will.

The Federal Tribunal's decision puts mental illnesses on the same level as physical ones in a country that already allows physician-assisted suicide for terminally-ill patients. In its ruling, the tribunal said "If the death wish is based on an autonomous decision which takes all circumstances into account, then a mentally ill person can be prescribed sodium-pentobarbital and thereby be assisted in suicide."
the rest


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