Thursday, March 22, 2007

Bishop: Episcopal Church Walking Away from the Christian Faith
By Lillian Kwon
Christian Post Reporter
Thu, Mar. 22 2007

The tossed election of a conservative bishop to the Diocese of South Carolina makes it clearer that the Episcopal Church is walking away from the Anglican Communion and the Christian faith, said a former bishop of the diocese.

The Episcopal Church invalidated the Very Rev. Mark Lawrence's election last week, outraging conservative Episcopal leaders who say the priest clearly meets the standards for church leadership. The decision also drew out sympathy from those who opposed Lawrence's election as many called it a "tragedy" for him and the church.

"I respect him for doing the canonical thing, but I think he should go ahead and be consecrated anyway," the Rt. Rev. Dr. C. Fitzsimons Allison, the retired 12th bishop of South Carolina, told VirtueOnline, a voice for global Orthodox Anglicanism. "I was surprised that it was that close. [U.S. Episcopal Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts] Schori and David Booth Beers (Chancellor to the presiding bishop) are so embarrassing to The Episcopal Church and worldwide Anglican Communion."
the rest


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