Tuesday, March 13, 2007

A. N. Wilson Gets It Too -- No Resurrection, No Christianity
Albert Mohler
March 13, 2007

A. N. Wilson is a prominent British man of letters. Once headed for the Anglican priesthood, he later experienced what has been called a "deconversion" from Christianity. A skilled historian, his book God's Funeral: The Decline of Faith in Western Civilization, traces the Western world's slide into secularism.

He understands, at least, what he now rejects. He recently responded to the "Lost Family Tomb of Jesus" controversy in the
Sunday Herald Sun [Australia] and made two crucial points. In the first place, Wilson stressed the fact that if it were proved that Jesus Christ did not rise from the dead, Christianity must necessarily fall. His second point is as accurate and important as his first -- there is no form of proof adequate to the challenge of proving that Jesus Christ was not raised from the dead. the rest


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