Thursday, May 24, 2007

Episcopal break up?
Our Sunday Visitor (

One could argue that the Episcopal Church in the United States has been on the brink of disaster for years. Thomas Reeves, in his book The Empty Church: The Suicide of Liberal Christianity, quoted an observation made about the Episcopal Church in 1994 that seems no less true today:

“The Episcopal Church is an institution in free fall. We have nothing to hold on to, no shared belief, no common assumptions, no agreed bottom line, no accepted definition of what an Episcopalian is or believes.”

The Episcopal Church has been divided by a series of pronouncements and decisions that, in the words of Episcopal Bishop Robert Duncan of Pittsburgh, are “outside the boundaries” of traditional Christian doctrine.

For Bishop Duncan, the ordination of a practicing homosexual as a bishop in 2003 was the dramatic final step that crossed that boundary, but critics say the struggle is ultimately over the authority of scripture, the role of Christ in salvation and the authority of a national church to reject traditional church teaching.
the rest


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