Friday, November 16, 2007

Bishop says she made diocese sue 11 churches
By Julia Duin
November 16, 2007

The Episcopal Church's top official says she forced the Diocese of Virginia to sue 11 churches that broke away a year ago over disagreements on biblical authority and the 2003 consecration of a homosexual bishop.

Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori said she acted to prevent "incursions by foreign bishops" during a four-hour deposition taped Oct. 30 and entered yesterday as evidence during a trial involving the largest property battle in Episcopal Church history under way at Fairfax Circuit Court.

According to prior testimony, Virginia Bishop Peter J. Lee was ready to accept buyouts from the 11 departing churches, several of which sat on historic pieces of property in Fairfax and Falls Church. That changed after he met with the new presiding bishop soon after her Nov. 4, 2006, installation.
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