Monday, December 03, 2007

Albert Mohler: Revising the Revisionists -- New Controversy over "The Gospel of Judas"
Monday, December 03, 2007

Just last year, the National Geographic Society announced the discovery of a third-century Gnostic text called "The Gospel of Judas." The Society timed its announcement to support the commercial success and maximize the media impact of a book and television program dedicated to the text.

There was a great deal of misrepresentation about the discovery in the press, with some academics suggesting that the text had been suppressed by the church because of its supposedly explosive contents. Others went so far as to argue that the "Gospel of Judas" would require a comprehensive revision of the Christian faith.

That was nonsense, of course, but it was the kind of nonsense that garners a great deal of media attention.

The most controversial aspect of this text, at least as claimed by the National Geographic Society and its associates, was the claim that it denied that Judas had betrayed Jesus and instead presented him as a hero.
the rest


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