Saturday, April 05, 2008

Vatican Official Urges Valuing Elderly as Contributors


( The "efficiency culture" abiding in Western nations is causing the elderly to be cast aside and seen as a "problem," when in reality they are an invaluable resource for the community, affirmed a Vatican official.

Archbishop Fernando Filoni, "sostituto" for general affairs at the Vatican Secretariat of State, affirmed this Thursday when he opened the 18th plenary assembly of the Pontifical Council for the Family, dedicated this year to "Grandparents: Their Testimony and Presence in the Family."

The archbishop addressed the topic of the role of the elderly in the Church and society, saying that the theme is of utmost importance today as life expectancy has increased in many parts of the world, and a society bent on success and benefits tends to marginalize the elderly as "a burden." the rest image


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