Friday, May 30, 2008

Why Algeria Has Begun Clamping Down on Christians

Increase in converts apparently alarms Islamic nation.
Michael Donovan
May 29, 2008

ALGIERS, Algeria (Compass Direct News) – The debate was urgent and often heated at the annual meeting of the Protestant Church of Algeria (EPA) earlier this month. The looming question: whether to obey or disobey government orders that have closed over half of the North African country’s 50 Protestant churches in the past six months.

Algerian pastors argued the merits of reopening all their churches in a unified protest before EPA leadership elected to leave the difficult decision in the hands of each congregation.

“We have two choices: close down and hand over the keys, or we fight until the end when we get our rights,” said Mustapha Krim, president of the Protestant umbrella network. “Each church should decide for itself.” the rest image

Algeria's Christians Under Fire


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