Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Cindy McCain: The Real Community Organizer


Barack Obama has spent two years telling America that his wife works for the community of south-side Chicago, making Americans think Mrs. Obama devotes her life to charity work. The opposite is true: Mrs. Obama sits on the board of University of Chicago Medical Center and is paid her for her work. It’s been reported that a patient can only be treated at the hospital he or she has insurance, yet Michelle Obama claims she fights for those in need. Cindy McCain saves lives without receiving one dime; she has literally gotten down in the trenches with people less fortunate, never seeking praise or money.

The only thing Americans hear about Cindy McCain is she is the chairperson of her father’s Anhauser-Bush beer distributorship, Hensley & Company, and her personal net worth is $100 million dollars. Many do not realize Mrs. McCain’s father borrowed the money to start his business in 1955; one year after his daughter was born. Cindy McCain was not born to wealth. The media and press never tell her real accomplishments of service to those in need around the world.
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