Thursday, October 16, 2008

Proposition 8: News Media At A Loss For Words

by Sonja Eddings Brown
Deputy Communications Director
October 15th, 2008

Honestly, the news media is at a bit of a loss. It’s hard to write bad news about something that is so clearly a big success. Several reporters were so skeptical that a “million lawn sign grassroots effort” would really materialize. We could easily have used two million! So many supporters are calling in trying to get more signs, more bumper stickers, more wave signs, that the campaign is hustling to meet demand.

In the Latino community, ad campaigns are sweeping through on the big networks and throughout television stations statewide. Radio campaigns will also be heard, with well-respected Latino figures standing up for the sacred tradition of marriage. Religious leaders will be heard from as well. the rest

Poll shows huge support in WV for a marriage amendment


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