Thursday, October 30, 2008

Students for Life: Planned Parenthood Admits Infanticide, Obama Defends

Students for Life of America released a video this morning that puts lie to the notion that late-term abortions do not result in infanticide when babies survive the abortion process. Barack Obama claimed that the law he opposed on four different occasions in Illinois was unnecessary, because he was certain that doctors wouldn’t just leave living infants to die — even though the Attorney General and Jill Stanek both testified that they did and that existing Illinois law didn’t prevent it from happening. Abortionists will not render medical assistance to such living infants unless forced to do so. Guess who else admits it?

the rest


At 6:54 PM, Blogger Christina Dunigan said...

For those clinging to the idea that, "Well, these are 22 week babies at the oldest, they couldn't survive even if you did provide care," I looked at the margin of error in estimating gestation age -- as well as the fact that while this facility's cut-off is 22 weeks, others do elective abortions as late as 26 weeks.

These 22 week babies might actually be 24 week babies with a 40-70% survival rate.

Though, of course, if you wrap them in a towel and stick them in a closet, they have a 0% chance of survival.


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