Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Most Canadian Bishops Affirm Lambeth Moratoria

November 4, 2008

The House of Bishops of the Anglican Church of Canada acknowledged at the end of a five-day meeting on Oct. 31 that while a majority affirm their commitment to the three-part moratoria proposed by the Windsor Continuation Group at this summer’s Lambeth Conference, a growing number of dioceses are taking steps to authorize same-sex blessings.

The bishops spent considerable time discussing the moratoria on approving same-sex blessings, the consecration of person in same-sex relationships to the episcopate, and cross-border incursions. According to a statement released by the bishops, they also called for the establishment of diocesan commissions to discuss the matter of same-sex blessings in preparation for debate at General Synod 2010.

A week earlier, Bishop Barry Clarke of Montreal told his diocesan synod, “For reasons, perhaps known only to God, I believe we, in the Diocese of Montreal, are among those who have been called by God to speak with a prophetic voice. It is our voice that is called to affirm that all unions of faithful love and life-long commitment are worthy of God's blessing and a means of God’s grace. In time our voice will either be affirmed by the body, or stand corrected.” the rest


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