Monday, October 05, 2009

The Kerala Exception. A Trip to India's Most Christian and Peaceful State

There are ten times more Catholics there than elsewhere, but they live in peace with the Hindus and Muslims. Education is generalized, with equality between men and women. The only threat to this miracle comes from a Marxist government
by Sandro Magister

ROME, October 5, 2009 – The synod of bishops on "The Church in Africa," which runs from yesterday until October 25, calls attention back to the continent that over the past century has seen the most explosive missionary expansion of Christianity.

The Christian fertility of Africa contrasts with that of another continent, Asia, which instead shows itself to be much more impervious to the Gospel.

In Asia, the Philippines is the only nation with a Christian majority, and South Korea is the only nation in which Christianity is growing. Elsewhere, Christians are a more or less scant minority, in many cases busy resisting persecution, oppression, hostility of every kind. the rest


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