Sunday, February 07, 2010

Anglican Covenant Flawed. Will Do More Harm than Good, says Theologian

Reflections on the inadequacy of the Proposed Anglican Communion Covenant and what might be done to address it
by the Rt. Rev. John H. Rodgers Jr.
Exclusive to Virtueonline
February 6, 2010

This writer believes that the proposed Anglican Covenant is flawed, and too weak to meet the needs of worldwide Anglicanism.

In Scripture we are exhorted to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the Church; this requires effort, clarity and discipline. I will lift up a few of the paragraphs of the proposed Covenant and then make a comment on them in order to illustrate and present my concerns.

If this proposed Covenant were strengthened and simplified, it could become a workable covenant for the Anglican Communion. I will indicate how this might be done. In its' present form it is inadequate and would only do more harm than good. the rest


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