Thursday, April 15, 2010

Fr. Nigel Mumford Update

Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2010
From: Fr. Nigel Mumford+

My dear friends,

It is with great pleasure that I write with some very good news. As of Monday my Doctor told me I can send all the oxygen paraphernalia back to the suppler. I am now off oxygen. THANKS BE TO GOD Also as of Sunday, At the 10.30am service I felt confident to not to carry the cane anymore... I was able to celebrate the Holy Eucharist unencumbered. I have been able to walk without the cane now for three days!

I have to say that I feel euphoric... We had a prayer meeting with my prayer team this afternoon where I had a wonderful vision. I saw myself walking through the valley of the shadow of death. I looked and I saw the tableaux of the cross, empty with two crosses either side on top of an adjacent mountain. As I looked from peak to peak the tableaux moved to the next peak and so on. Peek to peek the vision traveled... It was as if I saw the Lord with me every step of the sickness... Personally
I feel resurrected.

THANK YOU for your life saving prayers... I am HEALED, I AM CURED... I AM FREE OF SICKNESS..

ALLELUIA, ALLELUIA, ALLELUIA....All praise and Glory to the Lord... the great physician.

I cannot thank you enough for your prayers...

As my mentor Dr. Francis MacNutt often says,
"People are dying because people are not praying."
I would add a PS to that statement:
"I am alive because people prayed...."

the rest at Albany Intercessor


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