Thursday, August 19, 2010

Shhhh! Abstinence is popular...

Bill Bumpas and Jody Brown

The full results of a national study that favors abstinence education is being withheld from researchers and the public.

The taxpayer-supported survey found that around 70 percent of parents and their teenagers believed that teens should wait until marriage to have sex. Despite release of the study's summary and its highlight at two major public health conferences last year, the Department of Health and Human Services is withholding the full results according to Valerie Huber, executive director of the National Abstinence Education Foundation.

"When a researcher [Dr. Lisa Rue] asked the HHS for the full results, she [was told it] is not public information and it has not been released to the public and so you don't have access to it," relates Huber. "[I find that] a little incredulous since it was shared publicly at two different venues."

Huber questions the motivation of the Obama administration, noting that "as of this past fiscal year, President Obama specifically put in his budget a desire to end all funding for abstinence education." the rest


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