Monday, November 22, 2010

Colson: Christ the King Sunday

Mon, Nov. 22 2010 By Chuck Colson
Christian Post Guest Columnist

Our brothers and sisters in liturgical churches know that Sunday was the last Sunday of the Church calendar. The new church year begins this week following the first Sunday of Advent.

As a fitting end to the year, Sunday celebrated the feast of Christ the King. It is a reminder that the Son of God who humbled himself by becoming human and dying on the cross is King of King and Lord of Lords for all eternity.

Christians have always understood that Jesus has three offices. He is our Prophet who fulfills the Old Testament and reveals the truth about God in the New. He is Priest because he offered himself as the final and complete sacrifice for our sins. And he is King, the lawgiver who protects and rules.

Christ’s dominion extends to everything. His rule is what the American founders referred to as Providence, the ordering of life and history to God’s intended end or telos. The King’s purpose for each of our lives and in history will be accomplished. We can count on it. the rest


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