Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Study: gay teens five times more likely to attempt suicide

by Kathleen Gilbert
Fri Apr 29, 2011

 (LifeSiteNews.com) - Teens who self-identify as homosexual are five times more likely than their heterosexual counterparts to attempt suicide, according to a study released last week.

The study, published in the journal Pediatrics online on April 18, was conducted in order to determine whether living in a gay friendly social environment affected the risk of a teen identifying as homosexual committing suicide. It found that teens in “unsupportive” social environments were 20 percent more at risk of attempting suicide than those in “supportive” environments.

“This study documents an association between an objective measure of the social environment and suicide attempts among lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth,” concludes the study abstract, adding that the results “have important implications for the development of policies and interventions to reduce sexual orientation–related disparities in suicide attempts.” the rest image by Siddy Lam

But Peter Sprigg of the Family Research Council pointed out that the takeaway finding from the study is not that gay teens are marginally less likely to commit suicide in a “supportive” environment, but that overall gay teens are so many times more likely to commit suicide than their non-gay peers – “a difference that far overwhelms any difference caused by the ‘social environment.’”


At 10:37 AM, Anonymous Georgia said...

What the secularists do not admit is that teens who are sexually active are also at a greater risk of suicide than are teens who are sexually abstinent.

The cause of teen promiscuity is tied to lack of support and emotional nurture and stability of homes.

Teens from divorced parents, from physically, emotionally and sexually abusive parents are more likely to be sexually active and thus suicidal.

Adolescence is a time of identity exploration and achievement and the achievement of a coherent identity is dependent upon and hindered or confused by parental relationships with each other and with the teen.

So, in fact, parents are the key to teen suicide. The fact is, some parents are wounded themselves and unable to be and to give what teens need.

Then God has planned to be the parents for the teen and designed the Church to be the family. When the church and culture embrace and approve promiscuity and identity disorientation, then the child is left without healing resources or a map for healthy identity achievement.


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