Saturday, October 22, 2011

Promoting homosexuality to students

by Marcia Segelstein
October 21, 2011

Last week, students at Hartford Public High School (in my home state of Connecticut) were ushered into the school auditorium to watch a musical called Zanna, Don’t! What they saw onstage, among other things, was two guys kissing.

Zanna Don’t is set in a reverse world, according to a description in the Hartford Courant, where straight people are outcasts and the most popular kid in school is a flamboyantly homosexual chess player. And, you guessed it, the musical wasn’t intended as entertainment. It was another “anti-bullying” program that presumes that anyone who doesn’t believe homosexuality is morally neutral must be a bully.

One of the school’s principals, David Chambers, told the newspaper that many students had heard there might be same-sex affection portrayed in the play. Some reportedly asked to be excused, but their requests were denied. Chambers also says he considered sending a letter to parents giving them a chance to “opt out,” but decided against it.  the rest


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